Saturday 11 January 2014

5 scientific reasons to abstain from Non veg food

Good morning friends!

Today, I am writing this post because I was inspired to share this piece of information when I came to know about it from the persons who consume the non veg food themselves!

Ever imagined the sufferings of those helpless animals who went through severe pain while being cut down into pieces for their human consumers?
Would you like to hear someone crying in your home 24x7 ? How would you feel?

This remains the ethical part- the humanity part of us which urges us to not to kill others/ or not to inflict pain on others for sake of our own food. However, this is not the point of writing this article.

Now coming to SCIENTIFIC reasons, Do you know-

1) A non vegetarian diet , Nevertheless being rich in proteins, takes 36 hours to digest. Which makes it one of the worst food that is bad for one's digestion system and body.

2) Due to the excess of proteins in non-vegetarian food, the person consuming it suffers from various diseases. By consuming non-vegetarian food, obstacles are created in the blood circulation and respiration.

3) It stimulates those hormones in one's body that produces anger.

4) As the animal body contains various waste materials like those accumulated in bladder for eg. urine, and owing to an animals habit to feed on garbage , all these things enter into the human consumer's body as well when he/ she eats this animal which affects human body system and hence results into various diseases.

According to WHO, a non veg food causes 136 different type of diseases especially related to heart, kidney and bladder.

5) One research done on a slaughter house in Russia shows that the cries and pains of animals during the process of slaughtering, generate broken waves of suffering and get accumulated in the form of negative energies in meat which leads to distress in stomach and causes unhappiness to the one who eats it.

 Taking about religious perspective, For those who believe in karma, You must have heard of a proverb-
"As you sow, so shall you reap"
Means If you play your role in suffering of others, tomorrow you shall suffer too.

However, being a rational person , I'd rather go by scientific evidences.
There are people for whom non veg diet haven't been an option but something they had to choose because of  absence of alternatives. But for others, Now thanks to globalization, as we have more options available, we shall consider a diet that is not only better for us but also that doesn't affect others in an adverse way.
If we look around, We will find many examples of persons who have completely switched to a pure veg diet.

At the end of the day , it is all about living in harmony with nature.

P.S ever pondered why saints or monks live on fruits or vegetables and not on animals?

Your well wisher,
Stay blessed!