Friday 6 July 2012

Health is Wealth

Hi everyone!

Today we're going to discuss very important things on Health.What is it?& how can we achieve it.

What is Health?
Health is about taking care of yourself.Physically & Mentally. 
Good Health is achieved by accomplishing these 4 things DAILY:-

1) Regular exercise
2) Healthy Balanced diet.
3) Peaceful 8 hour Sleep.
4) POSITIVE Thinking

Ok, now how many of us are following the=is routine? Did you say "Me":) .Well,I thought that too.
But  EVERYONE of us usually compromise with one or the other aspect.Result-diseases.Be it Mental or physical.

We can manage 1,point.some will also manage 3 & 4.
But Almost all of us are ignoring the 2nd thing.BALANCED DIET.Knowingly or unknowingly, with the changing Life style.

How? there was a time when everything was prepared naturally.But today with increasing demand & decreasing Supply And also because of the fast life & technology, the farming has shifted from natural routes to Chemical routes.Pesticides are the today's method to develop something so important to live a healthy life.How can an unhealthy thing result into a healthy output? Pesticides are the slow poison!

Some farmers has told in the interview that they still use DDT ,and other pesticide which are not good for human health.A farmer said that they use a dog's fluid to(extracted from inserting needle in his belly) to enhance the size of brinjal. & some say that "we are vegetarians".

This was just a small note about pesticides .No matter what kind of pesticides are used ,they are harmful.It leads to weakening of the immunity system, various forms of cancer, Mental illness .every problem has its roots in 5 polluted elements namely EARTH( polluted farming- indirect & direct effects on almost every cell of body), Air (air pollution->respiratory diseases,mental illness,lung diseases etc.), Water(polluted water -thanks to Industries,& other things->water borne diseases-diarrhea , Mental strength weakening),etc.

combining it with other stressors -with which an average person tries to cope up daily- leads to weaking of physical & mental power. 

Today every 3rd person is suffering from heart attacks.Insomnia, hypertension & many other problems which were not even known at a time.

But all of these problems has solution.What we have to do is to keep a check on our life style.
Supporting ORGANIC FARMING.Why so? Balanced diet.we say it is JUST diet. NO.It's not just a balanced diet.Every fruit & vegetable has inherent properties in it to protect us from most of the diseases & has the power to provide  us the necessary physical & mental strength.

& with chemicals involved in production from sowing to processing , the effects of those important nutrients & vitamins fades of the effect decreases with the usual ways of cooking & using Refrigerators.(how? I'll explain that in my next article).

Most of doctors won't say it because today it is all about making money.

but this is true. 
I'll be writing on a few things which if you can include in your life style,then your life can become a bliss without paying much to DOCTORS!

Stay tuned.


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